
Our Story

Making its debut at 49 Tras Street, Ingleside celebrates a legacy of time-honoured, centuries-old techniques melded with a modern European menu. Spearheaded by Louis Chan and Jana Jusman—a husband-and-wife power couple serving as Head Chef and Head Fermentation Specialist, respectively–the combination of their creativity, expertise, and knowledge creates endless permutations of unique dining experiences. 

One of the first restaurants to develop on-site fermentation, dry-ageing, and wood-fired cooking, Ingleside reflects a deep passion for innovation and tradition. Together, we explore creative ferments, textures, and taste profiles, pushing the culinary boundaries to craft exceptional dishes.

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The Wood Fire

Drawing the name from the meaning of “fireside” or “hearth”, the elemental power of fire plays a central role at Ingleside. With a custom-built wood-fired grill at the heart of their restaurant, diners can witness the mesmerising dance of flames infusing our dishes with  distinctive smokiness and depth. 

Ingleside uses two specific wood types to enhance this culinary experience: applewood and ironbark. Applewood, known for its hot and slow burn, imparts a pleasant smoky sweetness to the dishes. Ironbark, a dense wood, provides a long burn time and excellent burning qualities. Throughout various stages of preparing your meal, many ingredients are embraced with wood fire to add an additional layer of flavour, texture, and aroma to tantalise your tastebuds.

The Art of Ageing

Using specially designed on-site ageing chambers, they curate only the finest cuts of meat and fish and allow them to mature slowly. Here, under precisely controlled conditions, natural enzymes go to work, flavours intensify, and textures become more refined. Each cut is given the perfect platform to reach its optimal umami potential and level of tenderness.

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The Fermentation Lab

The Ingleside in-house fermentation space is a hotbed for culinary innovation. Graduating from NUS Food Science & Technology, Head Fermentation Specialist Jana Jusman is at the forefront of these creative endeavours.

Harnessing the transformative power of microorganisms, she transforms simple ingredients and kitchen leftovers into complex, flavour-rich components, experimenting and refining each ferment. From lacto-fermenting vegetables to ageing misos for months with their homegrown koji, they also harness the beauty of their local produce to create seasonal ferments that reflect the diversity of their surroundings.

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Our Culinary Journey

Each item on the menu undergoes numerous rounds of testing, during which taste, texture, and aromas are refined through a laborious, detail-oriented process. Ageing methods and types of ferments are thoughtfully tailored to each dish, ensuring that each culinary creation contributes to a dining experience like no other.

Our Fermentation Story


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